Today is Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Hop-on Hop-off Harbor Cruises are not running today.


The Thames River Heritage Park is awarded “Best Historical Attraction” in the state by Connecticut Magazine.

“We are thrilled that such a well-respected and well-read publication has chosen the Park for this award out of all the historical attractions in the state. It is quite an honor and a testament to the dozens of volunteers as well as to our local municipalities who have worked for decades to make the Thames River Heritage Park become a reality. And, the fact that we are just in our third season, makes it all the more amazing,” says TRHP Executive Director Amy Perry. “We have seen our water taxi ridership more than double this year as compared to last. This award will help broadcast how much history and culture there is to experience in New London and Groton as well as throughout Southeastern CT.”

Connecticut Magazine is an American monthly magazine covering the life, culture, politics, and style of the state of Connecticut. Founded in 1971, the magazine reaches more than 380,000 adult print and online readers each month statewide. It is a sister magazine of Connecticut Bride.

Ride for Five After Six REDUX!

Update: Get tickets online

It was so successful we thought we’d offer it up again! We are extending our $5 round trip rides every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday until the end of the season, September 16, 2018. Ride from 6 pm until the last boat leaves City Pier to Thames River Landing in Groton at 9:20 pm on Friday and Saturday and 8:40 pm. on Sunday.

“The Five After Six promotion to encourage more riders to use the water taxi to enjoy dinner and evening activities in downtown New London was an overwhelming success when we launched it on August 5th, so it made sense to bring it back,” says Thames River Heritage Park Executive Director Amy Perry. “Riders who combine this promotion with patronizing those restaurants and merchants who participate in our Ride & Save Program will have a terrific and inexpensive night out.” The Ride & Save Program allows riders to show their water taxi ticket or season pass at participating merchants for discounts and special offers.

Riders getting on the water taxi at 6 pm at Fort Trumbull, at 6:20 pm and later at City Pier and at 6:40 pm and later at Thames Landing, Groton will pay $5 for this one night only. After 7 pm the water taxi runs between City Pier and Thames River Landing every 20 minutes beginning at 7:20 pm. Click here for more information about the water taxi fares and schedules.


Ride for Five after Six to Dine in New London.

This Sunday only, August 5th, the TRHP Water Taxi will be $5 for a round trip ride from 6 pm until the last boat leaves City Pier to Thames River Landing in Groton at 8:40 pm.

This Five After Six promotion is to encourage more riders to use the water taxi to enjoy dinner and evening activities in downtown New London. “Although our ridership is up significantly as compared to last year, Sunday evenings are not as busy as we’d like to see,” says Thames River Heritage Park Executive Director Amy Perry. “Riders who combine this promotion with patronizing those restaurants and merchants who participate in our Ride & Save Program will have a terrific and inexpensive night out.” The Ride & Save Program allows riders to show their water taxi ticket or season pass at participating merchants for discounts and special offers.

On Sunday, riders getting on the water taxi at 6 pm at Fort Trumbull, at 6:20 pm and later at City Pier and at 6:40 pm and later at Thames Landing, Groton will pay $5 for this one night only. After 7 pm the water taxi runs between City Pier and Thames River Landing every 20 minutes beginning at 7:20 pm. Tickets for this promotion are available for purchase on the boat only.

In addition to this $5 promotion, which is half the regular $10 fare, those riders who show the water taxi crew their Sunday night restaurant receipt will receive a coupon for another $5 evening ride good any Friday through Sunday all season.

Message from the Executive Director.

Summer has finally arrived! Complaining about the heat is not permitted! We’ve been waiting too long for the warmth of the sun as we open our third Water Taxi Season.

A couple rainy weekends in June not withstanding we’ve gotten off to a very good start. In fact, we have already exceeded last season’s rider numbers!! This increase in ridership is due in large part from the attendance at events that were held on both sides of the river.

And, speaking of large I have one word – Sailfest! We had over 1,000 people ride the taxi and enjoy river cruises during the day and the fireworks by night. They were all ages and came from all over the state including Springfield, Hartford, and Fairfield as well as from right here in the center of the universe.

TRHP Ambassadors Gianna and Mia

As we continue to make improvements to the Park experience, we are introducing a new Park Ambassador Program funded by grants from The Community Foundation of ECT and Dominion Energy. Meet our ambassadors here. READ MORE.[clear_both]

A shout out to our sponsors who are an essential component of funding the Park and Water Taxi operation. We were pleased that so many of our 2017 sponsors returned along with several new ones.

This year we introduced a new sponsorship opportunity in which businesses and individuals can sponsor two water taxi season passes for New London County libraries which can be signed out by their patrons. Read about it here. READ MORE.

Our Ride & Save program, which has almost twice as many business participating as compared to last season, continues to provide added value to our water taxi ticket and season pass holders. The purchase of a $10 water taxi ticket gives you hundreds of dollars of savings. If you’re not taking advantage of it you’re missing out big time.

After a well-attended meeting held earlier this year at the Lyman Allyn Museum representatives from Park heritage sites began the process of building a formal collaboration with TRHP. We developed an agreement and are now in the process of getting approval from 18 potential partners, most of which are featured on our website. We will soon be on our way to developing collaborative programming and events, a fundamental component of the Park’s vision. Stay tuned. READ MORE.

We continue to get our message out not only to local audiences but also to prospective visitors from throughout the region and the country. Here are some new opportunities for people to see and hear about the Park. READ MORE.

New TRHP Website Feature
Our website now sports a photo gallery where Park visitors can upload their pictures. If you’ve taken any good shots in the Park and/or on the water taxi, please share them with us. Take a look at some that folks sent us who enjoyed our Thames River Quest last month.

And, lastly, my annual friendly request and reminder, if you visit this season please take our super short survey – in person on the boat or online here. It takes less than a minute, I promise.

Have a sunny, fun and safe summer! And, be sure to get out on the Thames!




Executive Director

P.S. New TRHP t-shirts are now available for purchase on the Water Taxi and at Flavours of Life, 86 Bank Street in New London. Soon, you’ll be able to order them on our site.

TRHP Broadens Its Reach.

In addition to the Rack cards and Map & Guides, local radio, print and online advertising courtesy of our media sponsors, I hope many of you have seen our banners at the entrance to New London and at the Poquonnock Bridge in Groton. We’ve also added National Public Radio Station WSHU into our marketing mix this year as well as Mystic Luxury Cinema where our TV commercial will air before every movie throughout July. And, we now have a presence at the Mystic Information Center which we are told gets about 250,000 visitors a year. Those of you on the Groton side of the River I hope you’ll see my interview on Mystic Matters, the Greater Mystic Chamber of Commerce Cable Access show with Membership Director Kristin Hartnett. Thanks, Kristin, that was fun!

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