Today is Friday, January 3, 2025
Hop-on Hop-off Harbor Cruises are not running today.


Become a TRHP Member today!

If you enjoyed riding the water taxi last season and want to do your part in keeping it cruising on the Thames, then consider becoming a TRHP Member. Membership includes a 2018 season pass – that’s unlimited rides all season – a $50 value. You’ll also receive a TRHP decal for your car window, updates on the Park, and the knowledge and warm feeling that you’re supporting an organization that is working to build a rich and diverse cultural experience for visitors as well as those who live here. Here is where you can give.

Follow the clues and find a treasure!

The Park is partnering with CT Sea Grant to create the Thames River Quest, a free, three-part, treasure hunt-style educational hike for all ages as a new, unique offering for Connecticut Trails Day on Saturday, June 2.

The hike will take participants to Fort Trumbull State Park and the downtown Waterfront Park in New London, as well as to Fort Griswold Battlefield State Park in Groton. At each site, participants will follow a series of clues to learn about the history and ecology of the area and the river while solving a word puzzle that leads to a treasure box. Each hike is a separate experience, but can be linked with rides on the park’s water taxi that will be offered for free to Thames River Quest participants from 10 a.m. to noon on that day. A rain date of June 3 is planned.

“Connecticut Sea Grant is very excited to be working with the Thames River Heritage Park to provide a fun, healthy activity that we hope will enhance appreciation of the richness of the coastal and historic resources of the Thames River,” said Judy Benson, communications coordinator for Sea Grant.

Connecticut Trails Day, an annual event sponsored by the Connecticut Forest & Park Association, consists of more than 200 hikes, paddles, educational walks and other outdoor activities organized by land trusts, individual volunteers, conservation organizations and other groups. Part of the National Trails Day celebration each year on the first weekend in June, the Connecticut event is the largest in the country, according to the Forest & Park Association.

In addition to Connecticut Sea Grant and the Thames River Heritage Park, the Thames River Quest is also being sponsored by The Day Publishing Co., the City of New London and the City of Groton.

Registration and more information about the hike will be available in May on our website. Registration information will also be available through the Connecticut Trails Day website.

Sponsorship Opportunities now available.

Without our generous sponsors we would not be able to keep our ticket prices low, promote and maintain the water taxis, as well as do the work of growing the Park experience. If you’re a business owner please join a growing list of sponsors who are supporting the park.

When you sponsor the park your company logo will have broad exposure and will appear in a variety of places such as on 10,000 Map & Guides, 10,000 Rack Cards, our Web Site (more than 5,000 visitors in 2017), Social Media and prominently on the water taxi throughout season. For more information contact us.

Take a look at our new TV spot.

It’s been running before each film at the Garde Arts Center Winter Film Festival to rave reviews! (We know it’s just a commercial but we’re proud of it).


Nautilus water taxi dock closer to becoming a reality.

We have come closer than we’ve ever been to getting a dock installed at the Submarine Force Museum and USS Nautilus.Through its bonding authority the CT Port Authority has approved our grant application for $750,000 for the design, construction and installation of the dock. Introducing this new stop on the water taxi route will be an exciting new venture. More than a year in the making, this could not have been accomplished without the expertise and collaboration of the Town of Groton, City of Groton, the Navy and the leadership at the Subase and The Submarine Force Museum. Thanks to all who helped steer this to success.The final sign off on the bond requires the approval of the state budget. (See The Day editorial)

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