Today is Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Hop-on Hop-off Harbor Cruises are not running today.


Connecticut Sea Grant

Connecticut Sea Grant is one of 34 Sea Grant programs nationwide that operate as partnerships between the states and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Based at UConn’s Avery Point campus in Groton, CTSG serves aquaculture farmers, recreational shellfishermen, commercial fishermen and seafood purveyors, funds marine and coastal research and supports marine science education. It. works with communities to make better land and shoreline decisions that result in more resilient communities and healthier watersheds. Through outreach with the public and extension and research projects, it works to enhance the marine environment and appreciation of our maritime heritage.

Address: 1080 Shennecossett Road, Marine Sciences Building Room 301, Groton CT 06340

Phone Number: (860) 405-9128


Groton Bank Historical Association

The Groton Bank Historical Association works to preserve the history of the region through restoration projects and educational programs. Groton Bank is a historic village on the east bank of the Thames River in Groton, Connecticut. Today, the neighborhood contains a few hundred houses, three churches, a library, two museums, a Revolutionary War fort and business structures dating primarily from Colonial times to a century ago. Groton Bank and Fort Griswold are separate but adjacent Historic Districts listed on the U.S. Department of the Interior’s National Register of Historic Places.

Phone Number: (860) 445-5959


New London Landmarks

Founded in 1976 to save Union Station from demolition, New London Landmarks is a historic preservation organization devoted to maintaining the authentic appearance and character of New London, including its historic downtown and waterfront.

Address: 49 Washington Street, New London, CT 06320
Phone Number: 860-442-0003
Email: [email protected]

Message from the Executive Director

To borrow a quote from House Stark in Game of Thrones “Winter is coming.” With the shorter days and colder temperatures, the summer of 2018 is already a distant memory. But a very good one. Thousands rode the water taxi to visit sites and local restaurants, attend events and just get out on the water.

Now that our boats are out of the water and protected from the elements until May it’s time to start planning new initiatives for next season, tweaking some existing ones, and continuing to build the Park experience. A significant component to this is our Partner collaboration. Read more about it here. 

A Wonderful Holiday Gift Just Arrived

I am thrilled to share that the Park has received a $30,000 grant from the Panoram Foundation for operational and administrative support to continue to build the Park experience through collaboration with Partners, the water taxi operation as well as the development of historic boat tours. Read more.

Survey says . . .
For the 3rd consecutive year our water taxi riders rated us 4.8 out of 5. Find out what else we learned from our passengers.

Water Taxi and Boat Tour Operator Wanted
We are requesting proposals from licensed commercial tour boat operators to provide water taxi shuttle service and boat tours linking our historic sites along the Thames River Memorial Day weekend through mid-September 2019 – 2021. Read more.

Fort Tours coming in 2019

With the success of the tours led by Friends of Fort Griswold’s David Rose this past summer we plan to expand our tour offerings.

Tis the Season to Support the Park
With your support we can continue to build a thriving waterfront through the development of programming and events to create a historically rich visitor experience. Your donation – no matter the size – allows us to keep our history alive. Please give to the Park today.

We are Grateful
A hearty thank you to our 2018 sponsors whose support is so valuable to our success. Sponsorship is a great way for area businesses and organizations to get in front of new and potential customers. To find out about sponsorship opportunities please drop me a note. We’re happy to tailor it to your goals.

Best wishes for a happy, healthy and safe holiday season and New Year.



Amy Perry
Executive Director

Thames River Heritage Park Signs 17 Partners

TRHP Partners pose for a photo before the September planning meeting at partner site Lyman Allyn Art Museum.

Since its inception, the TRHP vision has been to engage the public with programming and events that promote heritage and culture. With a host of historic and cultural sites in the park we have a plethora of opportunities to build the Park experience through collaboration.

We are now doing just that. Seventeen historic, cultural and heritage sites in New London and Groton have signed on as TRHP Partners to collaborate on programming, events and a host of initiatives to create a Park experience that is diverse, robust, memorable and fun for the whole family. There are two categories of TRHP Partners: Site Partners which have a heritage or cultural location within the Park open to visitors, and Institutional Partners which are committed to preserving and promoting our culture and history which may not have a site such as historic associations, “Friends” organizations, and educational institutions.

Here is the list of those who have signed on as TRHP Partners that will work together to develop and promote a TRHP experience that will attract a broad audience to the region. You’ll be hearing a lot more about this collaboration as programming efforts take shape.

[div class=”one-half first”]INSTITUTIONAL PARTNERS
Groton Bank Association
Maritime Studies Program, UCONN,
Avery Point
New London Landmarks
NL County Historical Society
Sea Grant
SECT Cultural Coalition
[/div][div class=”one-half”]SITE PARTNERS
Anna Warner Bailey House
Avery Copp House
Bill Memorial Library
Ebenezer Avery House
Fort Griswold Battlefield State Park
Fort Trumbull State Park
Garde Arts Center
Hempsted Houses
Lyman Allyn Museum
Monte Cristo Cottage
Nathan Hale School House
Submarine Force Museum/USS Nautilus
Subvets Memorial[/div]

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