Today is Monday, March 3, 2025
Hop-on Hop-off Harbor Cruises are not running today.


New London County Historical Society

Founded in 1870, the New London County Historical Society is the oldest historical organization in eastern Connecticut, as well as one of the oldest in the region. As a county archive, the early Society collected widely from the region but focused mainly on items such as correspondence, ship’s logs, county records, and manuscripts. When the society was incorporated the holdings were kept in the city hall. The Society moved to the public library in 1876 when construction on that building was complete. In 1907 the NLCHS purchased historic Shaw Mansion for use as their headquarters from Miss Jane Perkins, a descendant of Nathaniel Shaw. The mansion was built in 1756 and served as the Naval Headquarters for Connecticut during the American Revolution.

Today, The holdings of the NLCHS include the artifacts, textiles, documents, and photographs, which pertain to the history of southeastern Connecticut. Most notably, our collection includes the Hempstead Diary, the manuscripts of Frances Manwaring Caulkins, and a sword that belonged to John Mason. The whole collection is used in support for our mission to preserve the county’s history and educate the community. The NLCHS is dedicated to the preservation of our history, and the education of our community.

Address: 11 Blinman Street, New London, CT
Distance from City Pier Water Taxi Landing: 0.4 Miles
Phone Number:
(860) 443-1209

Hours: Open for tours Thursdays 1PM- 4PM from Memorial Day to Columbus Day. Research and private tours can be made by appointment.

Anna Warner “Mother” Bailey House

The historic Mother Bailey House at the corner of Thames and Broad Streets was built by Dr Amos Prentis in 1782, the year following the Battle of Fort Griswold. Anna Warner Bailey moved to the house with her husband a few years later, and soon established an inn and Groton’s first post office.  Anna became well-known during her lifetime for two wartime deeds which demonstrated her extraordinary bravery and fierce patriotism. The first was a heroic effort to reunite her dying uncle with his family on the day after the Battle of Fort Griswold. The next occurred during the War of 1812 when soldiers from Fort Griswold encountered her on Thames Street while searching for wadding for their weapons. What happened next is the stuff of legends.

Later, Mother Bailey was visited by President James Monroe, the Marquis de Lafayette, President Andrew Jackson and President Martin Van Buren.  As her fame increased, visitors flocked to the house to hear the lively tales told from her own lips.

A small, dedicated group of history buffs, descendants of Revolutionary War patriots, and other concerned friends and neighbors have recently come together to save this house; to restore it to its former importance so these stories can be retold forever.

Address: 108 Thames St Groton, CT 06340
Distance from Groton Water Taxi Landing: 0.4 Miles


Connecticut Sea Grant

Connecticut Sea Grant is one of 34 Sea Grant programs nationwide that operate as partnerships between the states and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Based at UConn’s Avery Point campus in Groton, CTSG serves aquaculture farmers, recreational shellfishermen, commercial fishermen and seafood purveyors, funds marine and coastal research and supports marine science education. It. works with communities to make better land and shoreline decisions that result in more resilient communities and healthier watersheds. Through outreach with the public and extension and research projects, it works to enhance the marine environment and appreciation of our maritime heritage.

Address: 1080 Shennecossett Road, Marine Sciences Building Room 301, Groton CT 06340

Phone Number: (860) 405-9128


Groton Bank Historical Association

The Groton Bank Historical Association works to preserve the history of the region through restoration projects and educational programs. Groton Bank is a historic village on the east bank of the Thames River in Groton, Connecticut. Today, the neighborhood contains a few hundred houses, three churches, a library, two museums, a Revolutionary War fort and business structures dating primarily from Colonial times to a century ago. Groton Bank and Fort Griswold are separate but adjacent Historic Districts listed on the U.S. Department of the Interior’s National Register of Historic Places.

Phone Number: (860) 445-5959


New London Landmarks

Founded in 1976 to save Union Station from demolition, New London Landmarks is a historic preservation organization devoted to maintaining the authentic appearance and character of New London, including its historic downtown and waterfront.

Address: 49 Washington Street, New London, CT 06320
Phone Number: 860-442-0003
Email: [email protected]

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