Today is Friday, January 31, 2025
Hop-on Hop-off Harbor Cruises are not running today.


Getting ready for Summer . . .

Thanks to Rita Rivera and two talented volunteers from the Communications Committee, a display ad has been developed for the regional tourism magazines and brochures, including Mystic Country, to let everyone know that many fun things will be happening on and around the Thames River this coming summer. Here it is, hot off the presses.

TRHP-MysticCountry-3.4x2.2-v3 FINAL

We’ll now be able to use this ad in lots of places, including our website and Facebook page, to share our excitement over the park.

Fourth Quarter Stakeholders Update

Dear Heritage Park Stakeholder,

In this busy season, we will keep this brief.

 Milestones in the last quarter:

  • Our fleet of water taxis – two 40-foot Willard launches donated to us by the Navy – arrived at Crocker’s Boatyard on schedule November 31.
  • Crocker’s awarded us our first major sponsorship, an in-kind donation for storing the boats over the winter and moving them around so that we can access them for maintenance
  • We issued a Request for Proposals (attached) seeking a tour boat operator to run the water taxi service. It was distributed around the area and through the on-line Boat Captains Directory, the Soundings affiliated Trade Only Job Board, the CT Marine Trades Assoc. and others. Please pass it on to anyone you think might be interested in sending a proposal. The Day also covered it:
  • The Articles of Incorporation for the new nonprofit, with a working title of the Thames River Heritage Park Foundation, have been drafted, as well as the Bylaws. We expect to file for incorporation in January.
  • We now have a Facebook page, and a Twitter account, @thamesriverpark. Our address for legal matters is c/o Joe Selinger, Esq., TCORS, 43 Broad St., New London. Our address for fiduciary matters is c/o Jim Butler, Southeastern CT Council of Governments, 5 Connecticut Ave., Norwich. Our email address is info@thamesriverheritagepark. Don’t forget our website if you want more frequent news about the park.
  • We placed our first ad in a publication associated with New London Landmark’s The Holly & the Ivy progressive play and will have an ad in the upcoming issue of Mystic Countryfamily

In the immediate future:

  • We will be undergoing a marine survey of the boats, according to which we will begin making repairs in preparation for Coast Guard review.
  • We will be planning an event to bring the heritage sites and other stakeholders within the park together to explore opportunities.

What you can do:

  • Like us on Facebook.
  • Forward the RFP to the appropriate people.
  • Think of riding on the water taxi next summer!

The Holidays are upon us—thank goodness for great gifts from all along the Thames River!

Done with your holiday shopping yet?

We didn’t think so.

The museums, galleries, and gift shops of the Thames River Heritage Park’s many unique attractions have something for everyone—and most items are not available in malls, big box stores, or large e-commerce sites.merry

Looking for a cute stuffed toy seagull? A wall clock within a porthole? A Benedict Arnold bobblehead doll? (Come on, who doesn’t need one of those?) All these fantastic gifts, plus puzzles, toys, books, and memorabilia are available now at the gift shops and museum stores of many of our friends and colleagues in Groton and New London. They’re fun and inviting places to shop–and nearly all of them are having great sales right now!

Start with this list and work your way through it—and if Uncle Harvey really doesn’t want or need anything, or if your favorite heritage site doesn’t have coffee mugs and T-shirts, give gift certificates to the great stores and restaurants in downtown New London or along Thames Street in Groton—or give memberships to one of these amazing non-profit organizations. I did this one year and everyone loved it. And many of them renewed their memberships the following year. Who’s their favorite relative now?

And from everyone on the TRHP Transition Team:

Warmest Greetings of the Season and Best Wishes for Happiness in the New Year

Christmas on Groton BankHeritage sites:
Submarine Force Museum and USS Nautilus
Fort Griswold Battlefield State Park
Groton Monument and House Museum
Fort Trumbull State Park
Custom House Maritime Museum
Shaw Mansion
Nathan Hale School House
Hempsted Houses
US Coast Guard Academy Museum
Lyman Allyn Art Museum
Avery-Copp House
Ebenezer Avery House
Mother Bailey House
Old Town Mill

Other cultural attractions:
Groton Bank
Bill Memorial Library
Groton Congregational Church
New London Historic Waterfront District
Garde Arts Center
Hygienic Art
Whale Oil Row
U.S. Submarine Veterans of World War II National Memorial East
The Gallery at Firehouse Square

Request for Proposals – Water Taxi Service Operators

water_taxiToday we announce an exciting opportunity to become part of the first heritage park in Connecticut by operating what will be one of the park’s most unique features – a water taxi to connect anchor sites within the park. See details and Request for Proposals here.

Update: Click here for the transcript from the Q&A session of the January 13th bidders’ conference for water taxi service.

We also have a copy of the Information Book that comes with the 40-foot utility boats.


Transition Team Updates from the recent meeting

The Transition Team as a whole met Wednesday December 9th, this time at the Submarine Force Library and Museum, located, cleverly, right next to the Sub Base on Crystal Lake Rd. (off of Rt 12) in Groton. And what a very cool place it is, with interesting items on the grounds and an interactive museum just like Fort Trumbull.


Here's  the entrance
Here’s the entrance
The museum space is huge
The museum space is huge

There are all kinds of colorful thingamabobs outside the building.

2010-02-12 02.26.01

Here’s a vintage sub—how cute!—from the 1950’s

2010-02-12 02.26.36

This one looks scary

2010-02-12 02.28.09

There’s the Nautilus, napping at the dock (and nearby will be the future site of the dock of the water taxi—we hope!)

2010-02-12 02.27.51

You don’t realize how big these things are till you meet them face to face—this conning tower is at the entrance to the museum

2010-02-12 02.25.45

The committees had lots of news to report, but it was kind of sad because this marked the last meeting for our friend and fellow Transition Team member, Captain Carl Lahti, the 50th Commanding officer of the Naval Submarine Base New London (his official title, and yes, the base is on the Groton side of the river). Carl has been really great about keeping us in the loop regarding the status of the plans for future water taxi dock space near the Nautilus, and we learned more at this meeting regarding that. At this point the Navy is waiting for an updated proposal from the CT DEEP (one is in place but it is ten years old so time to update it), which will happen when permits and funds are in place, so the water taxi dock at the Nautilus will not happen in 2016. However, all parties are quite positive about it, and our new liaison, Captain Paul Whitescarver (the 51st Commanding officer of the Naval Submarine Base New London), was also at the meeting and promised to pick up where Capt. Lahti left off.

Water taxi committee Chair Marian Galbraith gave an overview of what’s in store for our new boats this winter: first the “de-preservation” of the engines, then a marine survey to tell us what’s needed to bring the boats up to USCG passenger-carrying standards, then the development of a budget. Meanwhile, the hulls will be painted before it gets too cold. A big plus is that all the canvas is in good shape—phew! One expensive bullet dodged.

The Team also discussed the continuing hunt for permanent office space for the new 501 c 3, the RFP for water taxi operation, and the bylaws and articles of incorporation for the agency, which will be in place by the end of the year.

The City of Groton is also looking into obtaining insurance so volunteers can work helping get the boats ready. And we couldn’t have done any of this without the generosity of our pals at Crocker’s Boat Yard on Howard Street in New London where the taxis are being stored free of charge.

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