Today is Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Hop-on Hop-off Harbor Cruises are not running today.

Current status

To find meeting minutes, agendas and committee reports, please go here.

Second Quarter 2016: Update to Heritage Park Stakeholders

The highlight of the second quarter actually came to fruition on the first day of the third quarter! The water taxi service was launched on July 1, the very day the boats passed the US Coast Guard Inspection – one boat, Groton, with flying colors and the other needing a few fixes. Groton was immediately put into service, carrying its first passengers at 2 PM.

Thames River Water Taxi - GrotonWe held the official Launch Party two days later on July 3. Please enjoy this video, which beautifully captures the event.

An earlier milestone for the project was June 22 when the Thames River Heritage Park Foundation held its first meeting. Lead by Chris Cox, former Mystic Seaport VP of Development & Communications, the new nonprofit has a 20-member Board of Directors that will be responsible for providing the leadership to complete the development of the Thames River Heritage Park, in partnership with the host towns and SE CT Council of Governments. The Yale Urban Design Workshop’s Thames River Heritage Park Plan recommends three phases of development and will provide strategic direction for the group.

We kicked off our first fundraising effort with a Charter Membership program, suggested by one of you. In a few short weeks membership has grown to 39, raising $7,800 for the park at $200 a membership. Please consider joining to help us reach the $8,000 mark or beyond. You will enjoy unlimited rides on the water taxi this summer. A sunset ride around the harbor or a jaunt across the river to visit a heritage site or two are perfect ways to enjoy our beautiful region. I’ve attached a membership registration form as encouragement and the water taxi schedule for your convenience.

We are into our second printing of the Heritage Park Map & Guide and Schedule & Fares Card. A terrific group of volunteers has already distributed 5,000 copies from Old Saybrook to the Rhode Island border.

Finally, we are planning a free water taxi ride for those who staff the heritage sites – to meet the water taxi crew members and share information. Our purpose is to have the water taxi crew become excited about the history of our region and direct passengers to their favorite sites. And vice versa with the staff at the sites advising their visitors not to miss a ride on the water taxi.

Looking forward to seeing you out on the water this summer.

Penny Parsekian, Chair
Foundation Communications & Programming Committee
Thames River Heritage Park


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