Today is Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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TRHP press release by Transition Team member Deborah Donovan

New London, CT: Seven potential operators for a proposed water taxi on the Thames River joined members of the Thames River Heritage Park (TRHP) Transition Team on January 13 at Crocker’s Boatyard in New London to view the Park’s recently acquired boats and to clarify questions regarding the planned operation. Mayor Marian Galbraith of the City of Groton, James Butler of the Southeastern CT Council of Governments (SECCOG), and Penny Parsekian, chair of the Transition Team Communications Committee welcomed the individuals representing boat operators from as far as New York, who are interested in responding to the Request for Proposal (RFP), which was issued by SECCOG in December. The hosts gave participants a brief overview of the park and plans for the water taxi. The operators raised a number of questions regarding the operation and the relationship expected between the TRHP, the State of CT, and the chosen operator. Following the presentation and discussion, participants examined the boats, which are currently stored at Crocker’s Boatyard, courtesy of owner Dave Crocker.

Mayor Galbraith was pleased with the turnout and the lively discussion of the taxi service and the organization’s boats, acquired from the US Navy at no cost. “This is exactly the kind of response we hoped for. The quality of the interested operators is terrific and the questions they asked were right on target and will help us proceed with this exciting project,” she said.

The RFP for operating the planned boat service is available on the web site of the SECCOG at SECCOG staff will be posting the questions and answers raised at today’s meeting on the web site for review by any potential respondents. Specifications on the boats are also available to interested bidders. Proposals are due by 4pm on February 15, 2016. For further information please contact James Butler at SECCOG at 860.889-2324, or [email protected].

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