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Groton water taxi


TRHP press release by Transition Team member Deborah Donovan

New London, CT: Seven potential operators for a proposed water taxi on the Thames River joined members of the Thames River Heritage Park (TRHP) Transition Team on January 13 at Crocker’s Boatyard in New London to view the Park’s recently acquired boats and to clarify questions regarding the planned operation. Mayor Marian Galbraith of the City of Groton, James Butler of the Southeastern CT Council of Governments (SECCOG), and Penny Parsekian, chair of the Transition Team Communications Committee welcomed the individuals representing boat operators from as far as New York, who are interested in responding to the Request for Proposal (RFP), which was issued by SECCOG in December. The hosts gave participants a brief overview of the park and plans for the water taxi. The operators raised a number of questions regarding the operation and the relationship expected between the TRHP, the State of CT, and the chosen operator. Following the presentation and discussion, participants examined the boats, which are currently stored at Crocker’s Boatyard, courtesy of owner Dave Crocker.

Mayor Galbraith was pleased with the turnout and the lively discussion of the taxi service and the organization’s boats, acquired from the US Navy at no cost. “This is exactly the kind of response we hoped for. The quality of the interested operators is terrific and the questions they asked were right on target and will help us proceed with this exciting project,” she said.

The RFP for operating the planned boat service is available on the web site of the SECCOG at SECCOG staff will be posting the questions and answers raised at today’s meeting on the web site for review by any potential respondents. Specifications on the boats are also available to interested bidders. Proposals are due by 4pm on February 15, 2016. For further information please contact James Butler at SECCOG at 860.889-2324, or [email protected].

Water Taxi sub-committee holds pre-bid conference for potential operators

water taxi2Yesterday the Water Taxi subcommittee met with potential operators at Crocker’s Boat Yard for a pre-bid meeting to answer questions and make sure everyone was clear as to what were the parameters of the Water Taxi service.

Here’s a transcript from the meeting—the final document also has some 2014 photos (included here) to show prospective bidders what they’d be dealing with as far as docking and using the step boarding system. Subcommittee members report that some great prospects were in attendance, so we’re looking forward to receiving proposals!

Thames River Heritage Park Water Taxi Service Operator
Request for Proposals Pre-Submittal Meeting
13 January 2016, Crocker’s Boat Yard, New London, CT
Questions and Answers

Q. Will a walkway over the Shaw’s Cove railroad bridge connecting downtown New London with Fort Trumbull be constructed as has been discussed?
A. The proposed water taxi service is not contingent on that walkway being extended; there are no known plans to have that project move forward in the near future.
Q. What is envisioned for the fare structure?
A. We have discussed this in concept, and would be interested in seeing a fare structure that encourages passengers to disembark and visit the sites as opposed to ride the water taxi all day; we are looking for respondents to propose a fare structure that they think is necessary to operate this service.
Q. What storage facilities are available at night?
A. The boats can be moored at the docks overnight; all other material and supplies must be stored off of the docks at a site to be provided by the operator.
Q. Who is responsible for the maintenance of the boats?
A. During the season when the boats are in operation, the selected operator will be responsible. The TRHP will be responsible for off-season maintenance.water taxi1
Q. Will the selected operator have any input to the off-season maintenance of the boats?
A. The TRHP plans to work with the selected operator on what maintenance and when it is performed in the off-season.
Q. Before responding to the RFP, potential operators will need firm figures on the value of the boats for determining the insurance costs. When can these figures be made available?
A. A marine surveyor will be inspecting the boats tomorrow and will calculate these figures. These will be made available as soon as they are provided to TRHP.
Q. Are the boats specifications available for review?
A. These will be placed online at with the responses to these questions.
Q. Where does the funding promised by the State stand?
A. The State of Connecticut General Assembly has committed $100,000 in each of the next two years, for a total of $200,000. An additional $750,000 in bond funds and grants have been applied for but not yet approved.
Q. Has any of the State’s $200,000 been expended yet, and if so, how much and for what?
A. None of the State’s $200,000 has been expended. Monies have been spent from $30,000 in funds provided by the City of Groton, Town of Groton, and City of New London, each of which have donated $10,000 toward the water taxi project. Expenditures to date will be posted online at with the responses to these questions.
Q. How long have the boats been in storage?
A. The Navy had the boats in storage for ten years. The boats were constructed in 1986, but really never put into service with their engines only having 40 and 41 hours of service on them respectively.
Q. When will the marine survey report be available?
A. It is anticipated it will be completed and we will make it available to you in 7 – 10 days.
Q. What about operating in fog; will radar be considered for purchase by TRHP? The consensus of the prospective operators present was that radar will be required for these boats.
A. The TRHP will evaluate this recommendation and will consider the purchase of radar for the boats using TRHP funds.water taxi5
Q. What is the operating capacity of the boats with full canvas up?
A. 44 passengers. It was noted that handicap accessibility is not being required/requested.
Q. When preparing a projected alternate budget for inclusion of the USS Nautilus Museum in the second and third year, should the operator include operation there on Tuesdays when the Nautilus Museum is closed?
A. No service to the Nautilus on Tuesdays should be planned for.
Q. How does the TRHP contemplate the boats being boarded?
A. The RFP states that the selected operator provide a set of steps to accommodate the height difference between the boat and the docks. See accompanying photos from 2014 demo project illustrating how the water taxi was boarded at the City of Groton dock.
Q. Will painting the boats in the off-season be the responsibility of the operator or the TRHP?
A. More than likely, the TRHP will assume responsibility for this.
Q. Is it the responsibility of the operator to fuel the boats?
A. Yes.
Q. Does the fueling have to be done at a specific location?
A. No. Where the boats are fueled and where the fuel is purchased from is up to the selected operator.
Q. The transom in the stern of one of the boats has a crack requiring repair. Who is responsible for that repair?
A. The TRHP. That repair is planned to be made before the boat is put in service.water taxi4


Fourth Quarter Stakeholders Update

Dear Heritage Park Stakeholder,

In this busy season, we will keep this brief.

 Milestones in the last quarter:

  • Our fleet of water taxis – two 40-foot Willard launches donated to us by the Navy – arrived at Crocker’s Boatyard on schedule November 31.
  • Crocker’s awarded us our first major sponsorship, an in-kind donation for storing the boats over the winter and moving them around so that we can access them for maintenance
  • We issued a Request for Proposals (attached) seeking a tour boat operator to run the water taxi service. It was distributed around the area and through the on-line Boat Captains Directory, the Soundings affiliated Trade Only Job Board, the CT Marine Trades Assoc. and others. Please pass it on to anyone you think might be interested in sending a proposal. The Day also covered it:
  • The Articles of Incorporation for the new nonprofit, with a working title of the Thames River Heritage Park Foundation, have been drafted, as well as the Bylaws. We expect to file for incorporation in January.
  • We now have a Facebook page, and a Twitter account, @thamesriverpark. Our address for legal matters is c/o Joe Selinger, Esq., TCORS, 43 Broad St., New London. Our address for fiduciary matters is c/o Jim Butler, Southeastern CT Council of Governments, 5 Connecticut Ave., Norwich. Our email address is info@thamesriverheritagepark. Don’t forget our website if you want more frequent news about the park.
  • We placed our first ad in a publication associated with New London Landmark’s The Holly & the Ivy progressive play and will have an ad in the upcoming issue of Mystic Countryfamily

In the immediate future:

  • We will be undergoing a marine survey of the boats, according to which we will begin making repairs in preparation for Coast Guard review.
  • We will be planning an event to bring the heritage sites and other stakeholders within the park together to explore opportunities.

What you can do:

  • Like us on Facebook.
  • Forward the RFP to the appropriate people.
  • Think of riding on the water taxi next summer!

Our water taxis are on their way

UPDATED 11.30.15: As of 10:39 am, the boats were crossing the Tappan Zee bridge. This means they could arrive in New London as early as 1:00 pm.

On November 24th, Transition Team member and Communications Committee Chair sent this press release out to local media. Woo-hoo!

Two Navy launches will make their way up the coast – on land – to Crocker’s Boat Yard in New London on Monday to become the first fleet to provide water taxi service in the Thames River Heritage Park.

Joule Yacht Transport of Clearwater, FL, which specializes in long-haul boat transfers, will be transporting the boats from a holding facility in Millstone Township, NJ with arrival estimated at 2:30 PM. Crocker’s has donated both indoor and outdoor storage space to the Heritage Park Transition Team to keep the boats sheltered for the winter and provide space for the hulls and engines to be prepared for service in the spring.

Bow of one of the launches being delivered
Bow of one of the launches being delivered

The journey to become part of the Heritage Park has been long and challenging. Along with Groton City Mayor Marian Galbraith, Transition Team volunteer Capt. Mark Jalbert, retired Navy diver and currently a contractor at Electric Boat, was instrumental in pursuing and securing the boats, clearing multiple hurdles, including a disabled lift that threatened to make it impossible to meet the Navy’s deadline of two weeks to remove the boats from the storage facility.

Just as the Heritage Park itself, the boats have interesting histories. One of the boats was assigned to the USS LaSalle, which in 1988, while in the Persian Gulf, assumed the role of Commander of Middle East Forces. The other boat was assigned to the USS Hunley, a submarine tender homeported in Charleston, South Carolina servicing the nuclear powered Polaris submarine fleet. The transportation service within the park will thus reflect the area’s military heritage.

Our 2 Water Taxis have been donated!

Yesterday, Transition Team Chair Chris Cox gave the Team some great news.

This is your basic Willard utility boat--roomy, efficient, and coming to the Thames River next year!
This is your basic Willard utility boat–roomy, efficient, and coming to the Thames River next year!

“The Navy has allocated two Willard Utility boats valued at $137,000 each to us for a small, $100 fee! These are identical to the Liberty launch that we used in the demonstration project. We are, needless to say, thrilled.”

Chris also added that Crocker’s Boatyard is helping sponsor the project by storing the boats, which will be delivered within the next 2-3 weeks.

Groton City Mayor Marian Galbraith, whose work as Chair of the Water Taxi Subcommittee was, in Chris’ words, “central to the acquisition effort,” clarified that the donation was made possible by both the General Services Administration with the support of the US Navy, and the Connecticut Federal Surplus Program, part of the State Administrative Services Department, who agreed on the (very minimal) cost to us of the boats.

The City of Groton will be the technical recipient and “owner” of the boats, which are already stipulated for use as water taxis by the Heritage Park.

As mentioned earlier, the boats will undergo a survey before being transported, but there are rumors of a “They’re Finally Here” party to be held on the date they arrive. We’ll keep you posted.

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